We foster attainable, affordable and adequate housing for our most vulnerable groups in our communities.

We encourage and support nonprofit organizations that serve individuals and families who are excluded from the housing market.

We strongly believe in human development is essential for sustainable housing.

About Us

The Puerto Rico Housing and Human Development Trust Fund (hereinafter referred to as FIDEVI) is the product of a collaborative alliance between Puerto Rico’s banking industry and the homeless population advocacy community. It was created by the Deed of Constitution of Charitable Trust with the purpose of devoting its structure and income to the promotion and support for the development, rehabilitation and preservation of adequate, affordable and accessible housing for people of limited, scarce or no economic resources. Some of these groups are: homeless people, mental patients, single mothers, elderly people, among others considered vulnerable in our communities.

Its objective is to help close the housing need gap by facilitating the development of structures according to the demographic of those being left homeless or in risk of becoming homeless. FIDEVI achieves this mission and fills

FIDEVI también trabaja para generar conocimiento y recursos, así como prestar asistencia técnica que permita la creación,

this gap by supporting nonprofit nongovernmental organizations serving individuals’ and families’ housing needs that the market is not meeting.

Government representatives also form part of this Trust and we are all committed to comply with those laws and rules that apply to the Trust.

The trust fund is not restricted in use to people of any race, faith, color or creed and a Board of Trustees has the power to supervise and administer the Trust. FIDEVI also has an Advisory Council consisting of several members and which advises the Trustees as to the operational aspects of the Trust.

FIDEVI is affiliated with the organization Affordable Housing Fund for Puerto Rico, Inc. (AHFPR). 

The Puerto Rico Housing and Human Development Trust Fund (hereinafter referred to as FIDEVI) is the product of a collaborative alliance between Puerto Rico’s banking industry and the homeless population advocacy community. It was created by the Deed of Constitution of Charitable Trust with the purpose of devoting its structure and income to the promotion and support for the development, rehabilitation and preservation of adequate, affordable and accessible housing for people of limited, scarce or no economic resources. Some of these groups are: homeless people, mental patients, single mothers, elderly people, among others considered vulnerable in our communities. 

Its objective is to help close the housing need gap by facilitating the development of structures according to the demographic of those being left homeless or in risk of becoming homeless. FIDEVI achieves this mission and fills this gap by supporting nonprofit nongovernmental organizations serving individuals’ and families’ housing needs that the market is not meeting. 

Government representatives also form part of this Trust and we are all committed to comply with those laws and rules that apply to the Trust. 

The trust fund is not restricted in use to people of any race, faith, color or creed and a Board of Trustees has the power to supervise and administer the Trust. FIDEVI also has an Advisory Council consisting of several members and which advises the Trustees as to the operational aspects of the Trust. 

Board of Trustees

Advisory Council


Attain valuable impact as advocate and facilitator so that those persons with limited or scarce resources in Puerto Rico can have adequate, affordable and accessible housing.


This fund will be devote its efforts to promote and support the organizations that develop, rehabilitate and preserve adequate, affordable and accessible housing for persons with limited or scarce resources in Puerto Rico.


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FIDEVI anuncia otrogamiento de fondo para proyectos de construcción y rehabilitación


Los fondos ayudarán a reparar hogares y estructuras que sirven a envejecientes,jóvenes y poblaciones vulnerables en San Juan y Caguas... Read More → FIDEVI anuncia otrogamiento de fondo para proyectos de construcción y rehabilitación

Beneficios contributivos hacia la vivienda asequible


EI Proyecto del Senado 684, que busca enmendar las leyes 20 y 22 de 2012 en varios extremos, se presentó recientemente. En la exposición... Read More → Beneficios contributivos hacia la vivienda asequible



El Fideicomiso de Vivienda y Desarrollo Humano de Puerto Rico (FIDEVI) anuncia que aceptará propuestas para la construcción y/o... Read More → OTORGAMIENTO DE FONDOS POR FIDEVI 2022

Aunemos esfuerzos aspirando a que los grupos más vulnerables puedan tener una vivienda asequible y adecuada.
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1607 Ave. Ponce de León
Cobian's Plaza Building
Suite UM-04
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00909

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Affordable Housing Fund for Puerto Rico, Inc.

AHFPR is affiliated with FIDEVI through its mission, organizational and legal structure, including employees, members of the Boards of Directors, among other shared services. AHFPR has the tax exemption 1101.01 and has the federal tax exemption status 501c3.
AHFPR está afiliada FIDEVI través de su misión, estructura organizacional y legal, incluyendo empleados, miembros de las Juntas de Directores, entre otros servicios compartidos. AHFPR cuenta con la exención contributiva 1101.01 y además cuenta con la exención federal 501c3.